James is an accomplished strategist and future focussed thinker. His background in design combined with his ability to develop strategies for change, and to prioritise those quickly, enables them to come to life with pace and passion. Working internationally with both Government and the private sector for over 25 years, James has advised on the creation of new towns, contemporary talent ecosystems, global innovation hubs, strategic infrastructure, major events, innovative transport pilot projects, tourism precincts and significant higher education campuses, all with an eye to offering a unique perspective to the challenge at hand by bringing that rare combination of a creative mind coupled with data driven decision making.
As Australian cities are increasingly cited as the solution to the housing crisis, and as governments adopt an ‘up not out’ philosophy to housing, the focus on the liveability of our highly urbanised environment is increasing. Hear from Mitchell Silver, urban planner and former commissioner for the New York City Parks Department, as he examines the evolution of our cities and the important role parks and recreation facilities play in shaping a liveable urbanised environment.